6 self-care tips to follow during an eye infection
Eye infections can show up in a plethora of different ways and are extremely common. Typically, the infections are a result of an invasion of harmful organisms that include viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Fortunately, the condition is not serious and generates key signs that immediately bring it to notice. There are certain noticeable signs which include redness and swelling inside and around the eye. An eye infection usually affects the different parts of the eyes that comprise the membrane of the eyelids, cornea and the outer lining of the eyes. Serious eye infections do require medical treatment to be cured. However, there are several home remedies too that can fasten the recovery process. Here are some self-care techniques that can be used when managing eye infections: Plain water eye wash: One of the best remedies to help with eye infections include regularly cleaning the eyes with plain water. Just splashing the eyes with preferably cold water every 3-4 times a day can effective alleviating the symptoms of the condition. The practice soothes inflamed eyes and reduces irritation. Eye exercises: Most people are constantly exposed to devices or screens today. This can push the eyes through further trauma, especially if there is an infection.
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