5 home remedies for alleviating the symptoms of psoriasis

5 home remedies for alleviating the symptoms of psoriasis

5 home remedies for alleviating the symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, where the skin develops thick and scaly patches that are inflamed. This happens because the T-cells, a type of white blood cells that are supposed to protect the body from disease, mistakenly attack the healthy skin cells. Psoriasis, unfortunately, has no cure at the moment. However, its symptoms can be managed successfully with the help of prescribed medicines, topical solutions, and light therapy. Along with medical assistance, one can also use home remedies to keep the symptoms at bay. Here are some effective home solutions that one can try to prolong the psoriasis remission period.

At times, psoriatic flare-ups can occur among patients after having certain kinds of food items. Ideally, patients with psoriasis should avoid having processed meat and fatty food as they amplify the inflammation levels in the body. An anti-inflammatory diet that is especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help control the symptoms of psoriasis. Fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines are some varieties abundant with omega-3 fatty acids. To control inflammation in the body, one should focus on consuming fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and plenty of water.

Exposure to sunlight
Individuals should expose their skin areas affected by psoriasis to the sunlight daily for 5 to 10 minutes. This form of natural therapy can help heal the skin lesions. However, one should ensure that they apply sunscreen on the unaffected areas before going out in the sunlight. If the skin responds well to the sunlight, the person can continue with this therapy. On the other hand, if one gets a sunburn or if the sunlight aggravates the symptoms, they should avoid sunbathing. To be on the safer side, patients should seek a doctor’s counsel before trying this home remedy.

Found in fermented food, probiotics help in striking the perfect bacterial balance in the body, enabling the immune system to work better. Moreover, probiotics control the inflammatory symptoms of psoriasis. Some probiotic-rich food items that one can try including in their diet are yogurt, sourdough, pickles, acidophilus milk, and fermented cheese such as cheddar, Gouda, parmesan, and Swiss. While dietary probiotics are safe, one should talk to their doctor first if they are taking a probiotic supplement.

Having a lukewarm bath with essential oil, Epsom salt, or olive oil can help soothe psoriatic symptoms like itching, soreness, and dryness. Using a moisturizer right after having a bath can help alleviate the symptoms faster. Also, it is important to note that one uses lukewarm and not hot water while bathing as hot water can worsen the blisters and itchiness.

Lowering stress levels
Being constantly stressed can mess with the body’s hormonal balance and also negatively impact the immunity, triggering psoriasis flare-ups. Finding ways to reduce stress can help prevent symptoms as well as allow the patient to have a more positive outlook. Exercising, yoga, meditation, or simply spending time with loved ones on a daily basis can help one control stress. If one is struggling with any emotional issues due to psoriasis, they should consult a therapist to improve their health in the long run.

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